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3 Reasons Finding Others Attractive While In A relationship Is Not Cheating

3 Reasons Finding Others Attractive While In A relationship Is Not Cheating

Insecurity, the ten letter word that means doom for many relationships, often brings out the worst in people, regardless of gender or preferences. These feelings of fear seep into our relationships because we are too preoccupied with projecting a version of ourselves rather than being the actual individuals that we are. Finding another attractive person while in a relationship often leads to feelings of guilt and anxiety in both ourselves and our partner. And he is right. All this while we spoon-fed the idea that absolute and absolute devotion to our partner, that is, the limits of submission, are the ideal that every relationship should pursue. But is this fair? Here are 3 reasons why finding other people attractive during a relationship is not a scam:


1. Appreciate but don't act

There is a notable difference between appreciation and obsession. Telling your partner that you are a new fan of a new personality is totally fine. What is not acceptable is acting on a similar impulse and sleeping with someone behind your partner's back. This is a clear violation of trust and commitment, and a totally careless move. It is part of human nature to find people other than ourselves attractive, and to ask any partner in a successful relationship and echo that sentiment. What matters is that you do not act on these urges, unless your partner agrees with them.

2. Be honest with your partner

One of the most beautiful things about a relationship is being vulnerable with your partner. Talking openly and honestly about the people you are attracted to allows you to get to know yourself better and on a deeper level. It also allows you to set your limits, uncomfortable topics to discuss usually bring up aspects of your life that you can work on with your partner and grow together as a couple and as individuals. It often introduces humor and also allows you to laugh at these things. After all, being honest is always better than pretending. There is no need to pretend to have blinders all the time.

3. Spice things up

This may not be for everyone. But if your relationship has gone too far for your preferences and you are looking to spice things up, it helps to talk to your partner about your fantasies. You can also encourage them to do same things. This will strengthen the bond of your relationship. Take small steps here and don't go into everything at once. Bcause it can be overwhelming for some people. Find out the rhythm of your relationship and, who knows, maybe these conversations can make you and your partner more fun in bed.

Easier said than done, but it's time we normalized these discussions. There is no point in keeping them taboo and pretending that finding attractive people is not part of basic human nature. Remember, appreciation is good, acting on these urges and violating an obligation is not.

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